Saturday 18 April 2015

Looking For Alaska

  Looking For Alaska, by John Green

Miles Halter is fascinated by famous last words–and tired of his safe life at home. He leaves for boarding school to seek what the dying poet Francois Rabelais called the “Great Perhaps.” Much awaits Miles at Culver Creek, including Alaska Young. Clever, funny, screwed-up, and dead sexy, Alaska will pull Miles into her labyrinth and catapult him into the Great Perhaps.

The title is so deceiving! I had an idea in my head as to what the storyline would be, needless to say I was completely wrong... This book is just absolutely fabulous, it's by far the best out of the John Green books I've read. So many emotions!

It's hard to find the specific reasons as to why I found this book so enjoyable, just everything together made it what it is, and what that is an incredible story. The characters weren't perfect, but that's why I liked them, they were real. They had their issues and their flaws, but that's what made it good. Most books have a lovely story line with some perfect characters, but it's the ones that have their flaws, that aren't perfect that are much more interesting and they are much more relatable. 

Please, if you haven't read this book already go out and read it, then share it with everyone you know because everyone needs to experience the magnificence of this book!

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Paper Towns,

Paper Towns, by John Green

Quentin Jacobsen has spent a lifetime loving the magnificently adventurous Margo Roth Spiegelman from afar. So when she cracks open a window and climbs back into his life–dressed like a ninja and summoning him for an ingenious campaign of revenge–he follows. 

After their all-nighter ends and a new day breaks, Q arrives at school to discover that Margo, always an enigma, has now become a mystery. But Q soon learns that there are clues–and they’re for him. Urged down a disconnected path, the closer he gets, the less Q sees of the girl he thought he knew.

This book was brilliant! So many of my friends told me how they didn't like this books, they thought the beginning and the end were okay but that the middle was completely boring. I disagree completely, I genuinely loved the middle bit. Q has a poem left to him by Margo, and he's got to find clues in the poem in order to find Margo, and since poetry is the only thing I'm particularly good at in school I loved it! I was constantly trying to look into the poem and find the clues before they found them in the book, I have an unhealthy competitive streak in me that prevents me from being able to just wait and find out what happens, I have to try and beat the book XD.

This book is funny, filled with mystery and adventure yet also the boring reality of life. Oh and of course there's a little bit of love ;) I actually managed to pick up a few facts from this book too which is always a bonus. I would certainly recommend this book if you haven't already, the odds are that some of you will find this book a little bit boring at times, but maybe if you have a go and try to appreciate the poetry and the genius clues left by Margo then you'll find it as interesting as I did.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

If I Stay

If I Stay, By Gayle Forman.

On a day that started like any other…
Mia had everything: a loving family, a gorgeous, adoring boyfriend, and a bright future full of music and full of choices. Then, in an instant, almost all of that is taken from her. Caught between life and death, between a happy past and an unknowable future, Mia spends one critical day contemplating the one decision she has left—the most important decision she’ll ever make.
Simultaneously tragic and hopeful, this is a romantic, riveting and ultimately uplifting story about memory, music, living, dying, loving.

I had heard so much rave about this book, as well as the movie. Quite a few of my friends had read the book and/or seen the movie and they were all telling me that this book would make me cry and it was just super sad. However I didn't find that it made me cry (at least not at the sad bits, I always seem to cry at the happy bits), maybe I had imagined it to be this horrifically sad book and that's why I didn't find it that sad, but I still loved the book none the less.

This was one of those books that gave me such a warm fuzzy feeling in my tummy, even though most of it was about some horrific, heartbreaking event. This book wasn't super long which I liked, I managed to read it fairly quickly so the story was just a nice constant flow for me. However this was just another one of those books that has lead me to have such high expectations for the male race, Adam is just so sweet and loving, they have such an adorable relationship which now leaves me expecting this from every boy. So I'll probably spend my life alone with cats or something tragic like that... and you are all welcome to join me!;) This book did end on quite a cliff hanger, which did leave me wanting more. As a result if this I did find that I just sat there wondering what to do with my life for a while, but then I realized that there was a sequel, so it's all good!;) If you want a bit of a lovey dover book to make you feel all happy and gooey, I would definitely recommend reading this book!

Sunday 18 January 2015

We Were Liars

We Were Liars, by E. Lockhart

We are the Liars. We are beautiful, privileged and live a life of carefree luxury. We are cracked and broken. A story of love and romance. A tale of tragedy. Which are lies? Which is truth?

Kind Of Spoliery!

If you plan on reading this I will tell you now, this is a sad book.
No one told me that and it came as a huge shock and I cried, I didn't even have any tissues ready! 

This book is magnificent! I honestly don't know what to say about it, I just know that I loved it.

When I started reading this book I thought it was going to be some kind of romance story between two teens from different kinds of families. I was wrong. It was so much more than that, and so much better! Towards the end of the book I was super confused for a solid few chapters, I had no idea what was going on and what to think. Then as I carried on it began to make sense and it hurt! The feels! They were all over the place and it took me a while to recover. 

This review is bad, I'm aware of that. I'm just really struggling to put into word how this brilliant book made me feel. I CAN'T EVEN! I'm so sorry, this review probably hasn't helped you at all, so just go and read this book and you will understand what I am feeling! I recommend this book, go and get it now. Right now. I don't care what you're doing, go and get it!

On a serious note, Amber from The Mile Long Bookshelf wrote a brilliant review that certainly puts mine to shame :')  so go and check that out, it is much better than my own haha!